Vender Preterite Tense

Master the concept of selling in Spanish with the Preterite Tense of vender. Our page features a full conjugation chart, engaging verb games, and sentences that showcase vender. Learn to express the act of selling items or services, enhancing your business-related Spanish. Dive deeper into Spanish verbs with Spanish conjugation. Develop your vender conjugation skills at our vender conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to sell

Verb Chart: Vender Preterite Tense



I sold



we sold

(Juana, Juan)


you sold




you all sold


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you sold



they/you all sold

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Preterite Tense

Vender Preterite Sentence Examples

1. Ayer vendí mi coche viejo.

Yesterday, I sold my old car.
2. ¿Vendiste los boletos que te sobraron para el concierto?

Did you sell the extra concert tickets you had?
3. Él vendió su colección de monedas.

He sold his coin collection.
4. Ella vendió arte hecho a mano en la feria local.

She sold handmade art at the local fair.
5. ¿Vendió Ud. su casa en la ciudad?

Did you sell your house in the city?
6. Nosotros vendimos productos horneados para recaudar fondos para la escuela.

We sold baked goods to raise funds for the school.
7. ¿Vendieron ellos su negocio familiar?

Did they sell their family business?
8. Las chicas vendieron pulseras hechas a mano en el mercado.

The girls sold handmade bracelets at the market.
9. ¿Vendieron Uds. la antigüedad que encontraron en el ático?

Did you all sell the antique you found in the attic?
10. Vosotros vendisteis vuestra vieja consola de videojuegos.

You all (Spain) sold your old video game console.