Tocar Imperfect Tense

Master the Spanish Imperfect Tense with the expressive verb tocar. Our page is a treasure trove of learning, featuring an extensive verb chart, interactive conjugation drills, and engaging verb games. Discover how tocar is used in daily life through a variety of sentences. For further exploration, visit our Spanish verbs section. Start your tocar conjugation practice now!

Verb Meaning(s): to play (an instrument), to touch

Verb Chart: Tocar Imperfect Tense



I played (weekly)
I used to play
I was playing



we played (on Thursdays)
we used to play
we were playing

(Juana, Juan)


you played (daily)
you used to play
you were playing




you all played (frequently)
you all used to play
you all were playing


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you played (sometimes)
he/she/you used to play
he/she/you were playing



they/you (all almost never) played
they/you all used to play
they/you all were playing

Tocar Imperfect Tense Practice

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Imperfect Tense

Tocar Imperfect Sentence Examples

1.Yo tocaba la guitarra los fines de semana.
I used to play the guitar on weekends.
2.¿Tú tocabas el piano en la escuela?
Did you play the piano at school?
3.Nosotros tocábamos fútbol en el parque.
We played soccer in the park.
4.Ella tocaba la flauta en la banda escolar.
She used to play the flute in the school band.
5.¿Tocaban ellos en una banda de rock?
Did they play in a rock band?
6.Ustedes tocaban tambor en las festividades.
You all used to play the drum at festivities.
7.Él tocaba las campanas de la iglesia.
He used to ring the church bells.
8.¿Tocábamos nosotros juegos de mesa los domingos?
Did we play board games on Sundays?
9.Usted tocaba canciones clásicas en el violín.
You used to play classical songs on the violin.
10.¿Tocabais vosotros cartas en las reuniones familiares?
Did you (plural, Spain) play cards at family gatherings?