Sugerir Commands

Learn how to use sugerir Commands in the imperative mood to suggest “to suggest”. Explore our comprehensive resources including a verb chart and practical exercises. Begin your mastery at Spanish verbs. Deepen your practice with sugerir conjugation.

Verb Meaning(s): to suggest

Verb Chart: Sugerir Commands



let’s suggest


(Juana, Juan)

sugiere; no sugieras

suggest; don’t suggest



sugerid; no sugiráis

(you all) suggest; (you all) don’t suggest


(Sra./Dr. García)


(you) suggest



(you all) suggest

*Only Tú, and Vosotros change in the negative form. The other conjugations are the same in the negative.

Sugerir Commands Practice

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Negative Commands

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Spanish Commands

Sugerir Commands Sentence Examples

1. Tú: Sugiere ideas creativas en las reuniones de equipo; pueden ser muy valiosas.
Suggest creative ideas in team meetings; they can be very valuable.
2. Tú: No sugieras sin considerar las consecuencias; piensa antes de hablar.
Do not suggest without considering the consequences; think before you speak.
3. Ud.: Sugiera cambios positivos en su lugar de trabajo; la mejora continua es esencial.
Suggest positive changes in your workplace; continuous improvement is essential.
4. Ud.: No sugiera sin estar dispuesto a participar en la implementación.
Do not suggest without being willing to participate in the implementation.
5. Nosotros: Sugiramos formas de apoyar a nuestra comunidad local.
Let’s suggest ways to support our local community.
6. Nosotros: No sugiramos ideas sin antes hacer una investigación adecuada.
Let’s not suggest ideas without first doing proper research.
7. Vosotros: Sugerid libros que os hayan impactado para compartir conocimiento.
Suggest books that have impacted you to share knowledge.
8. Vosotros: No sugeráis solo por sugerir; aportad soluciones prácticas.
Do not just suggest for the sake of suggesting; provide practical solutions.
9. Uds.: Sugieran iniciativas ecológicas para mejorar el medio ambiente de la oficina.
Suggest eco-friendly initiatives to improve the office’s environment.
10. Uds.: No sugieran cambios radicales sin evaluar el impacto en el equipo.
Do not suggest radical changes without assessing the impact on the team.