Llover Conditional Tense

Discover the subtleties of llover in the Conditional Tense with our interactive and intuitive learning tools. We provide a detailed verb chart, dynamic conjugation exercises, and entertaining games to make mastering llover in Spanish engaging. Explore more verbs at our Spanish conjugation guide. Enhance your understanding with our dedicated llover conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to rain

Verb Chart: Llover Conditional Tense



It would rain


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Conditional Tense

Llover Conditional Sentence Examples

1. Si llovería mañana, llevaría mi paraguas.
If it would rain tomorrow, I would take my umbrella.
2. ¿Plantarías árboles si supieras que llovería suficiente para regarlos?
Would you plant trees if you knew it would rain enough to water them?
3. Si llovería en el desierto, cambiaría el paisaje drásticamente.
If it would rain in the desert, it would drastically change the landscape.
4. Si llovería durante el concierto, nos refugiaríamos bajo un techo.
If it would rain during the concert, we would take shelter under a roof.
5. Usted llevaría botas si supiera que llovería más tarde, ¿no es cierto?
You would wear boots if you knew it would rain later, isn’t it true?
6. Nosotros organizaríamos el picnic en el interior si supiéramos que llovería.
We would organize the picnic indoors if we knew it would rain.
7. ¿Cambiaríais vuestros planes de viaje si supierais que llovería durante las vacaciones? (vosotros is used only in Spain)
Would you change your travel plans if you knew it would rain during the holidays?
8. Ellos pospondrían el partido de fútbol si llovería esa tarde.
They would postpone the soccer match if it would rain that afternoon.
9. Ellas llevarían impermeables a la excursión si pensaran que llovería.
They would bring raincoats to the trip if they thought it would rain.
10. ¿Seguiríais adelante con la boda al aire libre si hubiera posibilidad de que llovería? (vosotros is used only in Spain)
Would you go ahead with the outdoor wedding if there was a chance it would rain?