Leer Conditional Tense

Delve into the Conditional Tense of leer with our engaging resources. Our page features an intuitive verb chart, dynamic conjugation exercises, and interactive games to deepen your understanding of leer in daily Spanish. Broaden your knowledge with our Spanish conjugation resources. Focus your learning with our in-depth leer conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to read

Verb Chart: Leer Conditional Tense



I would read



we would read

(Juana, Juan)


you would read




you all would read


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you would read



they/you all would read

Leer Conditional Tense Practice

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Conditional Tense

Leer Conditional Sentence Examples

1. Yo leería más novelas si tuviera más tiempo.
I would read more novels if I had more time.
2. ¿Tú leerías un libro en otro idioma para practicar?
Would you read a book in another language to practice?
3. Él leería toda la obra de Shakespeare si pudiera entender el inglés antiguo.
He would read all of Shakespeare’s work if he could understand Old English.
4. Ella leería más sobre historia si encontrara los libros adecuados.
She would read more about history if she found the right books.
5. Usted leería las noticias cada mañana si no fueran tan deprimentes, ¿verdad?
You would read the news every morning if it weren’t so depressing, right?
6. Nosotros leeríamos en un club de lectura si hubiera uno en nuestro barrio.
We would read in a book club if there were one in our neighborhood.
7. ¿Vosotros leeríais un diario personal si lo encontrarais por accidente? (vosotros is used only in Spain)
Would you guys read a personal diary if you found it by accident?
8. Ellos leerían las instrucciones antes de armar el mueble si tuvieran paciencia.
They would read the instructions before assembling the furniture if they had the patience.
9. Ellas leerían libros de ciencia ficción si les gustaran las historias de otro mundo.
They would read science fiction books if they liked stories from another world.
10. ¿Ustedes leerían más poesía si entendieran su belleza y profundidad?
Would you read more poetry if you understood its beauty and depth?