Empezar Conditional Tense

Learn to master empezar in the Conditional Tense with our comprehensive tools. Our site offers a detailed verb chart, effective conjugation exercises, and educational games, all designed for a deep understanding of empezar. Explore Spanish verbs in depth with our Spanish conjugation guide. Focus your learning with our in-depth empezar conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to begin, to start

Verb Chart: Empezar Conditional Tense



I would begin



we would begin

(Juana, Juan)


you would begin




you all would begin


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you would begin



they/you all would begin

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Conditional Tense

Empezar Conditional Sentence Examples

1. Yo empezaría mi propio negocio si tuviera el capital necesario.
I would start my own business if I had the necessary capital.
2. ¿Tú empezarías a practicar un deporte nuevo este año?
Would you start practicing a new sport this year?
3. Él empezaría a viajar más si pudiera trabajar de forma remota.
He would start traveling more if he could work remotely.
4. Ella empezaría a escribir un libro si encontrara la inspiración.
She would start writing a book if she found the inspiration.
5. Usted empezaría a aprender a tocar un instrumento musical, ¿cierto?
You would start learning to play a musical instrument, right?
6. Nosotros empezaríamos a ahorrar para comprar una casa.
We would start saving to buy a house.
7. ¿Vosotros empezaríais a usar bicicleta como medio de transporte principal? (vosotros is used only in Spain)
Would you guys start using a bicycle as your main means of transportation?
8. Ellos empezarían un club de lectura si encontraran interesados.
They would start a reading club if they found interested people.
9. Ellas empezarían a hacer voluntariado en una organización benéfica.
They would start volunteering at a charity organization.
10. ¿Ustedes empezarían a reciclar más si supieran el impacto positivo que tiene?
Would you start recycling more if you knew the positive impact it has?