Correr Future Tense

Race into the Future Tense mastery of correr and accelerate your Spanish speaking speed! This page is your track to success, featuring a dynamic verb chart, speed-focused conjugation exercises, energetic games, and sentences that showcase correr in action. Sprint towards fluency. Dash through learning curves with Spanish verbs. Zoom past the basics with our correr conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to run

Verb Chart: Correr Future Tense



I will run



we will run

(Juana, Juan)


you will run




you all will run


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you will run



they/you all will run

Correr Future Tense Practice

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Artifact Amigo Spanish Verb Conjugation Game

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Future Tense

Correr Future Sentence Examples

1. Yo correré en la maratón de la ciudad el próximo año.
I will run in the city marathon next year.
2. ¿Tú correrás conmigo por el parque mañana?
Will you run with me through the park tomorrow?
3. Él correrá hacia la meta con todas sus fuerzas.
He will run towards the finish line with all his strength.
4. Ella correrá su propia empresa en el futuro.
She will run her own business in the future.
5. Usted correrá riesgos si invierte en ese proyecto, ¿verdad?
You will take risks if you invest in that project, right?
6. Nosotros correremos para recaudar fondos para la caridad.
We will run to raise funds for charity.
7. Vosotros correréis en la competición de relevos. (vosotros is used only in Spain)
You will run in the relay competition.
8. Ellos correrán por las montañas durante su entrenamiento.
They will run through the mountains during their training.
9. Ellas correrán en la playa al amanecer.
They will run on the beach at dawn.
10. ¿Ustedes correrán el riesgo de probar algo nuevo?
Will you take the risk of trying something new?