Cocinar Preterite Tense

Delve into the Spanish Preterite Tense with the vibrant verb cocinar. Discover a full conjugation chart, exciting verb games, and sentences illustrating cocinar in use. Cook up your Spanish skills and integrate cocinar fluently in your conversations. For more on Spanish verbs, explore Spanish verb conjugation. Refine your cocinar conjugation at our cocinar conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to cook

Verb Chart: Cocinar Preterite Tense



I cooked



we cooked

(Juana, Juan)


you cooked




you all cooked


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you cooked



they/you all cooked

Cocinar Preterite Tense Practice

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Preterite Tense

Cocinar Preterite Sentence Examples

1. Yo cociné pasta para la cena anoche.

I cooked pasta for dinner last night.
2. ¿Cocinaste algo especial para tu familia?

Did you cook something special for your family?
3. Él cocinó un asado para sus amigos.

He cooked a barbecue for his friends.
4. Ella cocinó galletas para la venta de pasteles.

She baked cookies for the bake sale.
5. ¿Cocinó Ud. el desayuno esta mañana?

Did you cook breakfast this morning?
6. Nosotros cocinamos paella para la fiesta de cumpleaños.

We cooked paella for the birthday party.
7. ¿Cocinaron ellos una cena vegana?

Did they cook a vegan dinner?
8. Las chicas cocinaron tacos para la noche mexicana.

The girls cooked tacos for Mexican night.
9. ¿Cocinaron Uds. en la acampada?

Did you all cook at the campout?
10. Vosotros cocinasteis un pastel para la clase de español.

You all (Spain) baked a cake for the Spanish class.