Andar Present Progressive Tense

Discover andar in the Present Progressive Tense through our engaging verb chart, practical exercises, and interactive games. See it in everyday sentences. Explore more at our Spanish verbs section. Hone your skills with ‘andar’ on our andar conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to walk, to go, to run

Verb Chart: Andar Present Progressive Tense


estoy andando

I am walking (right now)


estamos andando

we are walking (right now)

(Juana, Juan)

estás andando

you are walking (right now)



estáis andando

you all are walking (right now)


(Sra./Dr. García)

está andando

he/she/you are walking (right now)


están andando

they/you all are walking (right now)

Andar Present Progressive Tense Practice

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Artifact Amigo Spanish Verb Conjugation Game

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Present Progressive Tense

Andar Present Progressive Sentence Examples

1. Yo estoy andando por el parque.
I am walking through the park.
2. ¿Tú estás andando a la escuela o tomas el autobús?
Are you walking to school or taking the bus?
3. Él está andando con su perro todas las mañanas.
He is walking his dog every morning.
4. Ella está andando hacia la biblioteca.
She is walking towards the library.
5. Usted está andando más rápido para mantenerse en forma.
You are walking faster to stay fit.
6. Nosotros estamos andando por el centro de la ciudad.
We are walking through the city center.
7. Vosotros estáis andando juntos en la playa (vosotros is used only in Spain).
You all are walking together on the beach.
8. Ellos están andando hacia la estación de tren.
They are walking towards the train station.
9. ¿Ellas están andando por el mismo camino que nosotros?
Are they walking the same path as us?
10. Ustedes están andando por la senda ecológica.
You all are walking along the ecological trail.